52 Week Money Challenge 2016
2016 has arrived and of course one of your New Year’s resolutions is to save money and lose weight. The 52 Week Money Challenge 2016 is an awesome printable chart to help you meet your goal to save money. By gradually easing ourselves into the habit of saving money it will be a habit before you know it.
Print this 52 week money saving challenge 2016 and start saving money. I included an extra column for those of you who are over achievers. Every penny counts! So even if you can add just your extra change in your car, put it in there! It will add up.
How The 52 Week Challenge Works
The 52 Week Challenge is based on 52 weeks in a year. You start off week one putting $1 into your savings. Then $2 on week two, $3 on week three and so on. Until the very last week of the year you put $52 into savings. You will save a total of $1378.00.
I have also heard of people doing the plan backwards. Start you year off saving $52.00. This may make it easier for some. If you would rather save the same amount each week you can print out the 52 Week Money Saving Challenge Alternative Plan Printable Chart.
If you would like a more generic 52 Week Challenge without dates print it here.
Most of the time I find this to be a great savings plan for next Christmas. Having $1378.00 in the bank around the holidays would be super nice!

This is such a great plan, I like the idea of adding to your savings as you go along, thank you so much for opening my eyes to another way to help here.
Thanks for this post what I enjoy about it is that such a small amount can really add up to a yearly substancial amount.
Love this!! What a fun way to save!! I need to start paying attention to what I spend!! Thanks for sharing!!
I love this idea! People were posting about it alot on FB.
I like putting the same amount into my savings account every month. I’ll think about upping my deposit.
I wish I would have started this. I suppose I could catch up.
This is a wonderful idea!! It’s very simple and the rewards are so worth it!! I’ve been doing it and so far so good!!
This is a great Idea.I am trying this
I have been doing this plan for a few years now, it’s a great way to build up a vacation fund and then should we need money for something we can also count on having this money there just in case we end up needing extra too for an emergency.
This is a great idea! I have wanted to do something like this in the past, and I think I would prefer starting off saving $52 a week and working my way down. It’s amazing what you can do if you just put your mind to it. I’ve also wanted to try using cash for most of my purchases and saving any leftover change from the transaction. Thanks for the post. It’s a little late for me to start on this now, but better late than never!
I think I’ve sent this savings challenge before, I guess I still have time to get caught up as we wish to save for travel next year.
This really is a great idea; I’ve been trying to set aside a little money every week; some weeks it’s easier than others!
Ive seen this online a few times and have been wanting to give it a try.
I wish I could do this.
I’ll have to try this out; I just found out from my bank that I can get rid of the $4 monthly service charge from my savings account by having $25 transferred from my checking to my savings once a month, so I signed up for that!
Saved a copy. Will have to tweak, but I think it’s doable! Wish I had this last year.
You are so right about it becoming a habit. People think that it is difficult to save money but really it isn’t. With this chart, you can see it add up.
I think we all have to stop and ask ourselves, do we really need whatever it is we want to buy. The line between ‘need’ and buy has become blurred and it can be difficult to say no to ourselves and our kids.
We think we deserve a treat and so we give in to that impulse to spend money. Once we can break that cycle, it will be better for everyone.
This is incredible. I will indefinably apply this in my saving plan.
I do a recurring deposit of Rs. 500 per month and this helps me in paying my insurance policy premium.
I love this concept!! I definitely want to do this next year it will help with us saving to go to Disney!!
I thank you for this great approach to better financial affairs. It is quite a bit more than just tips or pointers, and it makes it fun to keep my financials in check.