Thank you Jenny Craig for sponsoring this post. — Get serious about losing weight with Jenny Craig!
I’m Doing The Jenny Craig Program Online at Home
I’m doing the Jenny Craig online program at home. I have made a personal goal to become healthier before my birthday, in June of this year. This is not my New Year’s Resolution because I started this journey before Thanksgiving last year. Two girlfriends and I began working out five days a week. It has been going great, and I could see my body transforming into a more powerful fit person. However, I was not losing the weight as fast as I would like. I’m not great at counting calories; translation- I don’t like to do it! It is not my thing to spend my day scanning food barcodes on boxes or adding the food calories from home cooked meal together. That’s why I was thrilled to give the Jenny Craig online at home program a try!
With more than 100 premium menu items to love in flavors, you can’t resist, created by 40 professional chefs; you are sure to find your favorites among the Jenny Craig foods. The above image is my first week of a pre-planned menu from Jenny Craig. In your dashboard online you can choose the foods you like or pick a pre-planned menu developed by a team of registered dietitians and nutritionists to provide you with a wide variety of cuisine within your calorie level to help you reach your goals. Getting started it looks like they send you all of their food items over the first few weeks of the pre-planned menus. This way you can taste them all to learn your favorites. I love not having to worry about counting calories. I simply look at my menu and eat that food. Love it!
I did a Facebook live video of unboxing my first month’s shipment of Jenny Craig food:
Each week you chat with a consultant. You can do this by going into a store, on the phone, or via Skype. I have been doing mine on Skype. Doing this program online has helped me not stress over having to travel to a Jenny Craig. Like myself, members who don’t live near a center, Jenny Craig Anywhere offers one-on-one support through consultations over the phone or via video chat. The closest one to me is about a 30-minute drive in heavy traffic. I love being able to take a short 15-minute call each week. While you are on the phone with them, you can have them order your foods, or you can do it online with no hassle at all!
The consultants provide education on portion control, healthy eating habits and teach members strategies, such as how to combine delicious Jenny Craig meals and snacks with fresh & free additions that are rich in water and fiber to keep you feeling full longer with fewer calories. On my first call, we discussed how to follow the plan and what foods I would need to purchase to go along with my prepared foods. Jenny Craig calls these foods “free foods” and “limited free foods.” You can eat as much of the “free foods” you want. In fact, they encourage you to eat a lot of them. You are allowed up to 3 servings a day of the “limited free foods.” They also give you a booklet to know the serving sizes of those foods.
I just finished my first week of Jenny Craig. I lost 2 lbs! (Disclaimer: Results not typical. Members following the Jenny Craig program, on average, lose 1-2 lbs. per week. I received promotional consideration.) I’m hoping I can keep losing 2lbs each week! That would be awesome but, I’m thinking moving forward it will be about 1 lbs a week, which is great too! Jenny Craig members can expect to lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week, which is a healthy range of weight loss.
Tip: When you receive your first shipment, take your meal plan and organize your food in that order. Place the food in order in your freezer so you can just grab out your next meal. Stick your menu on your refrigerator door. The image below shows week three because I have written all over menu one and now working on menu two. They tell you to cross off the foods as you eat them. Doing this helps you stay focused and know what you have had each day. Of course, you can also use their app or log-in on a computer.
The items you do not need to place in the freezer, I suggest putting them in a cabinet all to themselves. Not opening the cabinet where I keep all my kid’s snack foods has helped me not to be tempted. Out of sight, out of mind.
Keep following me! I will update you next week on how my journey with Jenny Craig is going!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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