A LOT of you have show interest in my 52 Week Money Savings Challenge Printable Chart! I was chatting it over with my husband the other day and he pointed out to me an understandable challenge at the end of the 52 Week Money Saving Challenge. In December of 2014 you will have to put into savings $202.00. Lets be honest, for a lot of us that is just not possible especially with it being holiday season!
How 52 Week Money Saving Challenge Alternative Plan Works
Instead of gradually adding the amount of money you put away each you put in the same amount each week. If you were to to the 52 Week Challenge the total amount is $1378.00 at the end of the year. Take that and divide it by 12 = $26.50 per week. For the 52 weeks to work correctly with your deposits they should be made every Sunday starting with today January 5, 2014.
Take It a Step Further
If you are a rounder just put in $30 a week then at the end of the year you would have $1560.00!
I have created a 52 Week Money Saving Challenge Alternative Plan Printable Chart for all of you to keep up with your saving challenge. Click here to Print: The Alternative 52 Week Money Savings Challenge

I totally agree with having to put away 202.00 in December, not to talk about November too, when most people start their Holiday shopping, a co-worker of mine stated to do the 52-money challenge in reverse, putting the most away first and have the money go down and not up. that way you are putting only 6-10 dollars away towards the holidays.