52 Week Money Savings Challenge
2015 Printable Chart
UPDATE: Are you looking for the 52 Week Money Challenge for 2017 ~ FIND IT HERE.
If you need a visual for your 52 Week Money Savings Challenge to keep you focused, I have created this simple printable chart for you to print and fill in as the weeks progress throughout 2015. The 52 Week Money Savings Challenge printable chart will help you keep track of your goal for the year!
What is the 52 Week Money Savings Challenge
The 52 Week Challenge is on! This is the first week of 2015 and of course everyone is making their New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight and save money. In today’s economy that is of course easier said than done! Hopefully, this can help a few of use gradually ease ourselves into the habit of saving money.
How It Works
The 52 Week Challenge is based on 52 weeks in a year. You start off week one putting $1 into your savings. Then $2 on week two, $3 on week three and so on. Until the very last week of the year you put $52 into savings. You will save a total of $1378.00. I have also heard of people doing the plan backwards. Start you year off saving $52.00. This may make it easier for some.
Take It a Step Further
At the end of each month IF you have any extra money deposit that in your savings also. Or, on the $15 of each month deposit $15 into your saving. This will add to your saving for the year by $180.00 making your grand total $1558.00!
I know that does not seem like a lot but, wouldn’t it be nice to have that money in the bank in-case you need it for an extra expense or a family vacation! I know it will not be easy but, it will be something to stride to do this year!
If this plan is not for you check out my 52 Week Money Saving Challenge Alternative Plan Printable Chart. Using the Alternative plan you can save the same amount each week.
Here is last years printable chart with more of a generic layout without dates.
Just click here to print this: 52 Week Money Savings Challenge

Hubby and I are planning on doing this this year , we wanted to do this last year but there was so many things going on.. I told him no matter what goes around us , we need to stick with this, I would love to be able to take a vacation… It has been over 25 years since I went any where..
Dorothy, a vacation is the first thing I thought of too. Where I live it gets mighty cold in the winter. Already dreaming of someplace warm!
I tried doing the money challenge in 2014 and was almost successful. I am going to print the 2015 and hopefully will try harder.
I started this this year and in June had to use the money to help buy a new air conditioner for our car. I will be doing it again in 2015. It works.
this is such a great idea! Thank you so much for posting the Printables!!! I’m so going to try to do this in 2015
I will print this and give it a try in 2015.
This is a great idea. Wonder if I could pull if off?
This is an awesome Idea! I have seen this before and know some people that are actually doing this!
This is an awesome Idea! I have seen this before and know some people that are actually doing this!
This is such a good idea and the chart makes it so easy! I really need to do it this coming year!
I could very easily manage this. Great way to save for xmas too!
This is such a good idea. I think part of the problem is paying attention and making it fun. Just like a diet. The more you can pay attention to your actions. Its the little things that add up. Like oh I need another chapstick, when I really don’t.
What an awesome Idea! Thanks for putting this out there to Print. I think that I could manage this too, and it would be very helpful!
I saw this earlier in the year but didn’t want to start late.
I’m happy I found it again so I can start in January.
Let the saving begin lol 🙂
I love this idea! Make saving a habit and doable and add more when you can. I will have to try this in 2015 for sure, thanks for sharing!
I have done this the past 2 years, but start at $52, I usually make it to July and then use the money for vacation
I see a lot of people posting this on faceboook. I wonder how many actually do it and stick with it. Seems pretty cool though.
I love this idea! I haven’t been able to work for almost two years now, debilitating illness. However, as soon as I have income again, I am all over this! My disability hearing is (FINALLY) set for February. We have a lot of catching up to do financially, but I should be able to start this summer. Half is better than nothing! 🙂
I like this application. Thank you.
This is really nice to have on hand; thank you for sharing!
This would really be useful for budgeting for my family.
I actually love this; it’s a painless way to put something away a little at a time. We all tend to squander a little bit; so this way we don’t. Thanks for sharing.
I do this and that way when black Friday and cyber Monday come around there is no hassle about coming up with money to be able to spend. It makes the holidays a lot less stressful.
Thanks for the chart. It’s so much easier to follow a plan if there is something to remind me to do it each week. Even a little bit, added regularly, adds up.
Thanks! I printed it and am going to do it!
Thanks! I am going to do this! Wondering just how much extra I should put in for the beginning weeks, if any, is hard, especially when bills are still outstanding and still have a little debt. So much to think about! 🙂
I would like to try this, has anyone else had alot of success with this? I would be interested to hear:)
I like this idea! Printing!
I love this plan. We have loosely followed something similar in the past with fairly decent success. Our goal for this year, is to double this by depositing into our family savings account and our daughter’s savings account using this chart. I also use several rebate apps on my smart phone when shopping, and I take all rebates that I earn and add it to our daughter’s account. You can never start soon enough, when it comes to the future education and other expenses for your children.
A few weeks late but will place funds to catch up. Love money saving challenges…$$$$$$$$
Budgeting is always one of my biggest problems, so this could help a lot!
Great idea, it’s easy, effective and not overwhelming.