Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015
Goals Free Printable Worksheet
Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015
With the New Year starting soon here is a great activity to do with your kids to discuss the past year and to set goals for 2015. Taking a look at your goals from the past year and making plans for the future are a great way to teach your children set goals in their lives they would like to accomplish. They should understand that every year is like a new starting point they can choose to make the best year of their life.
I believe it is important to establish goals for the coming year. In order to help you establish what some of these goals might be I have this printable worksheet as a gift for all of you below. This worksheet is to help you and your kids see what your valued the most from this past year and to help you move forward in 2015.
Do you know what your kids favorite, best, and worst things about 2014 were? Using this worksheet could be a great way to open communications between you and your children. Once you have a discussed this past year then you can move forward to plan 2015.
How to Set Your Goals
When setting your goals for next year make sure to keep them specific and realistic. Also, make sure the goal is to please you, not to try to please anyone else. It will be harder to stay on track and motivated if you are doing something out of obligation to another person. When doing this worksheet with your kids let them set the goals for themselves.
Click to print your Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015
Hope you enjoy this worksheet and have a wonderful 2015!!
Randi C. says
I downloaded this worksheet to review my goals for this year. It was a tough year for me; I lost my dad…so this worksheet is a simple way to re-evaluate things and set some realistic goals for the year. Thanks for the worksheet.
vickie allbright says
what a neat idea ty for sharing
Shannon says
Thank you for sharing this. I am sure this will be helpful to lots of folks.
Brigid OHara Koshko says
This is perfect! I would write down my resolutions in a notebook or piece of paper each year and then lose it. This is just what I needed. I am printing one for everyone in our family.
Mary Karas says
Printed the worksheet. Looking forward to filling it out.
Sandy Klocinski says
Excellent! A good way to review where you’ve been and assess where you’re going
Megan Swinney says
Angela Asbell says
Printing as I type
Lynn Mathieu says
LOVE This worksheet!
mario says
really neat. i love this !
laurie damrose says
Thank you I printed it out and will use it.
Melissa Shirley says
I work with second graders and this would be great for a lesson on the first day back from the winter break. Thanks.
Maria luan Hechanova says
thank you for this..
Merri Sunderland says
I love this, I am going to download one for myself and each of my kids!
Sandra Watts says
Nice idea. Thanks for sharing.
stephanie says
cool that was great of you
Lee Todd says
such a cute idea…love it!
Lisa Coomer Queen says
What a great idea! Very helpful!
Kelly says
At first I was thinking this would be great for my kids. Now I am thinking it would be great for me. I am excited to reflect on the past year, and look forward to ways I can make 2015 a great year for myself, my family and for others as well.
Cheryl Grandy says
I like the printable worksheet idea – wish we’d done it when the kids were teenagers.
I agree with Kelly – my first thought was that it’s great for kids, then started thinking it would be good for me too.
Jessica Cyr says
This would be awesome , I like this idea.
Meghan says
This is great. Thank you so much!
sandier says
This is great for kids to learn how to set goals! An added bonus is to save them and read thru them as they get older! What a fantastic download!
Diana Corlett says
Teaching young ones about setting goals is laudable and this is a super way to do it!
amanda mcmahon says
I think there is a lot that we can do to help us reach our goals.
md kennedy says
What a great idea to print this out! Nothing like having your goals right in your face every morning as inspiration when you tape it to your fridge!
Jayne Townsley says
I liked this because it’s not overly complicated! Shared it.
laura rubenstein says
This is really cool. Not only are you teaching your child to set goals. You are spending quality time and letting then open up and feel like their thoughts count. Which they do
Betty C says
Thanks for offering this printable. I like working toward goals rather than making resolutions and this is a clear way to look at what I want to change/accomplish.
Amy Orvin says
I believe it’s important to establish goals for the coming year as well. This would certainly help keep me on track. Thanks for sharing the printable.
Crystal Rose says
Thanks for the awesome printable!
Jo-Ann Brightman says
I always like free pro tables and these allow one to review the previous year and set new goals for oneself or for a child.
Chum says
great idea! i will print this out.
Melissa George says
thanks for sharing such awesome printers. i love them and they are easy to use and follow.i makes me remind of my goals everytime.
Mai T. says
I printed 3 for me, my man, and my dog. Thanks! We hope to have more adventures this year.
Tania B says
This is a great way to pen to paper and help to materialize the thoughts you have for 2015. Thanks
Coline T. says
Very great worksheet, thank you 🙂
Linda Manns Linneman says
I need to get more organized in 2015. You have some great ideas. Thank you so much for sharing this
Debra Holloway says
This is what I need. This year I plan to be more organized. I want to get things running a bit more smoothly this year.
stephanie says
Hello again
How are You?
Krista says
Great idea. Life happens so fast. It helps to reflect on the past year and looking forward to the future. I hadn’t seen any goal worksheets that including what someone might like to teach someone in the new year. Love it! Great way to remind our kids how they can impact others, and reminding them they have valuable skills they can teach others.
Nena Sinclair says
I like this idea! Writing down your ideas and seeing them in writing can help you achieve your goals!
Sonya Sparks says
At first I thought this would be good for Gracie, then I thought differently. I thought it would be something good for both of us to do together.
Maria Abellan says
Aww this was fun to do! Great idea 🙂
Veronica Lee says
Love the worksheet! Thank you so much for sharing this.
Linda Buzard-Moffitt says
This is a Cute good idea for teachers of elementary students
Jasmine says
I love this, definitely printing this out! Thanks for sharing!
Dana Rodriguez says
This is a GREAT printable.I love it!
Julia F. says
Great idea for teachers! Such a nice way to begin the new year with inspiration and class.
Lesa says
I like this idea, putting it in writing (on a pretty piece of paper) seems like it makes it more final and official!!
Lisa Schweizer says
I love this!! Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year!!
Charleamange Beck says
LOVE doing family stuff with the kids
Cheryl Johnson says
This is absolutely great this is a sheet that you can use now and reuse just change the year every year because we should always want goals weather we complete them are not having goals gives everyone something to look forward to and aspire to.
Pam V H says
What a great way to introduce to kids the concept of assessing where you have been, and of identifying areas for self-improvement and self-growth.
Tara Bixler says
This is great for little ones to learn what they want and what actions they need to do to get there.Thanks so much,this is gonna be neat to see my daughter’s answers.
Parris S. says
I love this. I’m definitely printing this for my son to do. Goal setting is important for everyone because it keeps you moving forward.