Walmart Free Curbside Grocery Pickup Service
Walmart is now offering a free curbside grocery pickup service!! Yep, you heard me right. You order your groceries online using a computer or their app (Walmart Grocery). For, pickup you do not even have to get out of your car if you don’t want too! Oh, you have no idea how happy this makes me! I can spend around one and a half to two hours a week grocery shopping inside Walmart. I am an impulse buyer so, this will save me time and money. No more impulse buys and no more telling the kids, “No, I’m not buying that.”
How Walmart Grocery Pickup Works
First, to get $10 off, use my referral link to receive a $10 off promotional code. You can use your computer or the Walmart Grocery app. Once you have an account, you can login on your computer or your phone and switch between the two at any time. Walmart saves your order until you are ready to complete the purchase. This way, you can just add to your order when you think of items. I did find it faster to use my computer but, super easy to add an item to my order on my phone when I was away from the computer. They have a great search feature and from there, you can also narrow down your search to categories. Type in the direct name of a product and it pulls it right up.
When you are ready to complete your order, you will select a pick-up time slot. They are in one hour time increments. It only shows the open time slots. My Walmart has five parking spots open so, my thinking is there are five pick-ups allowed per hour. The store manager did tell me when this service becomes more popular he will add more parking spots. After you select your time slot, you pay online. However, at the time of checkout online, your bank account is not charged. There is only a hold placed on your bank account. Once you sign for your order at pickup, then your account is actually charged. This allows for any items you may not want to not be charged.
Now for pick up time. Around twenty minutes before my time slot, I received a call from my local Walmart shopper. She told me my order was ready and asked me to call her back at this number about ten minutes before I arrive. Since it is one hour time slots, you can arrive anytime during that hour. I gave her a call back ten minutes before I was going to arrive and she then asked me to please give her a call once I arrive to tell her which number parking spot I am in.
Once I pulled into a parking spot, I called and she walked out with my groceries. She put them in my car for me and I signed the electronic receipt. Walmart emailed my itemized receipt and, of course, I was receiving emails the entire time about my purchase and pick-up time, along with directions on how to pick-up my order.
A Few Questions I Have Been Asked
I have told all my friends about this new service. They have asked a few questions therefor, I wanted to share my answers.
How was your experience?
- I loved it! Now, I happen to have been met by the store manager and our local FOX10News at my pickup. Apparently, I was one of the very first people to use the service at our store. That is how excited I was about this new service.
Did you pick up a lot or just a few items?
- I ordered everything I was going to buy at Walmart for the week. Everything from a bell pepper, milk, cereal, and dog food, to feminine products and toothpaste. I believe it was around $130 worth of items and I had a $10 off code.
How soon were you able to pick up?
- I ordered around 3pm on Sunday and picked up my order on Monday at 11:30am. You can pick up as early as you like depending on when time slots are available.
Did you pay in advance through the website?
- I paid in advance but, only a hold was placed in my account. This is because at the time of pick-up, if you decide not to accept an item, you simply hand it back and you are not charged for that item.
Did you receive all of your items?
- Yes, I received all my items with one substitution. I had ordered 180 ft roll of aluminum foil. They were out of that so instead I received two 90 ft rolls. I was told about this at pick-up and asked it I would accept the substitution. On the bill, when there is a substitution you are billed for the least expensive item, whether it was what you had ordered or the substitution item.
Did you tip?
- No, I did not tip. In fact, since the manger was there I made a point to ask him before my groceries were brought out if I was supposed to tip. He informed me no, not to tip; this is a free service.
When will this be available in my area?
- It is my understanding this is a service Walmart wants to offer soon to every Walmart store. However, I do not know their timeline and I am sure they are watching the few test markets they have going currently.

I got so excited to try this! It’s pretty easy – just put in your zip code and then load up your cart and find what you need. But even though there are about 3 Walmarts within 5 miles from my house, it said I could only pick up at a Walmart 18 miles away. I was so disappointed that this couldn’t work for us!
I haven’t heard of this service before. I hope it comes to our Walmart. I love that it’s free.
This is a great service, perfect for busy parents and older people.
I ABSOLUTELY love this service! It is super convenient for people who are busy and the elderly who can’t get around as much as they would like to on their own, and rely on others. The only thing better than this is delivery straight to the door. Some grocery stores do that which I prefer, tbh.
Wow! This sounds amazing 🙂 I can’t wait until they do it at ours. I dearly hate to go to Walmart. I spend so much more when I go in there. I dread it every time.
I am going to have to check in to this and see if any of my walmart are doing this. I to buy to much when I am in that store for at least 2 hours…………. this wouls save me time and money.
This is so nice .So much easier to if you have children with you.Thanks Walmart!
This would be great for people who shop with difficult kids, multiple kids, and also who are very busy. I didnt know it was a free service… thats rad. The prices online are more than in store though, at least at my location, but its worth it for those who do not have time or hard to shop around a store.
I am definately going to have to use this service. I too make impulse buys and my son hates shopping but ask for everything. Ive already seen the parking spots at my walmart ill have to check into it. Thank you.
This was such a unique idea. I am tempted to use the coupon Walmart sent me! What I like about it is that I can pick up certain grocery items that my local store doesn’t carry but I can get thanks to ordering it online.
That sounds genius. I have a three year old active daughter, and sometimes shopping with her is quite an adventure 🙂
This sounds like a great idea to me. I hope they have it at all of them.
This is great service, wish they thouhht of it earlier!!
I would feel like I HAD to tip, can u tip if you want to??
Are Walmart’s in Canada offering this service??
Amazing.. my husband hated walmart so he would love this. I will have to ask my local walmart Ifor they offer this yet.
Walmart is getting technical, great service!
I can see how this will eliminate impulse purchases. I’m pretty good about shopping with a list, but this will help even more.
This is such a nice service. Thank you for the great information on this.
This is so Helpful! Nice job by Walmart
Fantastic. Years ago, we had a local grocery store that offered a similar service, but you paid a premium price. I’m excited to learn you had a good experience with a store where I know I can get great prices.
Omgosh I cannot wait until this is in my area!! SO CONVENIENT!!
This is a great service to have, especially on days where the weather isn’t very good and you’d rather stay in your car! It’s also nice that it’s free!
WOW! This would be a great service for people with mobility problems – like 2 of my friends. One friend has been waffling about getting a computer and going on line. This will be her incentive, for sure! I will be contacting the local stores to see when they will be getting the service.
This makes me happy! In the UK you can get your groceries delivered pretty much everywhere so when I moved to Georgia I was hoping someone would start up a grocery service! Store pickup is great, especially when you order heavy bottles or pet food!
I’m really surprised that this is a new concept in the States! All the supermarkets & department stores in Ireland as well as some smaller independent shops have a ‘click & collect’ or ‘click & deliver’ free service. So handy!
I thought about trying this but for me it’s not that easy to use. You can only use on certain days and times. They also don’t have a convenient pick up location for me. Last but not least it’s 118° outside. I think my ice cream and other frozen would be melted by the time I got it.
I love that you can start your order on one device and add to it from another! I hadn’t even thought about how much you could save in avoiding the temptations of impulse buying in the store. That alone would make this service valuable in addition to the convenience. And a nice little extra that when they make a substitution you are charged for whichever is the least expensive.
Great post! You really covered it all.
This is a great service, perfect for busy parents and older people. Good Job 🙂
I cannot wait until they offer this in my area! I am disabled and it is such a chore to go grocery shopping that I usually just get a few things at a time. This will be awesome. Thank you for sharing!
This will be a time and money saver!!
Walmart is providing a wonderful service for those who are unable to shop for themselves.
This is such a great service! I am a SAHM and we currently share a vehicle, so it can be difficult for me to shop like I need to. This allows me to get all of our necessities without even leavimg home, I love it! 🙂
We have this service here and I can’t wait to try it out. No more getting out of the car on hot or cold days. I love it.
I don’t think we have this service in my area, although I am hearing more and more about it.
Thank you for the reeview. By the way, I am so jealous!
What a neat service. This could be a real time saver.
Thank you for sharing. I will be trying this soon!
I didn’t know this service was offered. I’m in a small town and would have to see if our Wal-Mart offers this. A great idea and would certainly help me out since I am elderly. Buy a lot of groceries for a family of 6.
I would love this.. Some of the area grocery stores have delivery to your home but a pick up service is just as good….
I havent tried this, but did see they were offering it. I dont have a smart phone so I cant really utilize it, It is a nice feature, and I hope they get it for the computer if they dont already.
I am not quite sure how I feel about this service. You still need to shop on-line, so it is not saving much time, if can not use coupons it really wont save you money and if they do not deliver the groceries for you they will not save you much effort. It will help a little for some, for myself this is a no go.
Either I shop online and have products delivered to my door or go out to a physical store and shop there. I can find any use for this service right now.
I didn’t know Wal-Mart had this service. I need to find out if it’s available in my town. Would really help me out as it hurts to walk a lot.
I haven’t heard of this service before, great for the handicapped, elderly or if you have little ones that you don’t want to down with.
I hope my local Walmart offer the free curbside grocery pickup service in my community. Good read.
How awesome is this, I know a few people who could definitely use this besides me, I will share this on my facebook page.
I had no clue!! So cool! Great for mothers who just had babies or someone super ill but still has to feed his/her babies.
This is a wonderful service for busy mom’s.
This is wonderful! As soon as I walk through the door some kind of vortex starts sucking money out of my wallet. Any way I can get the good prices but not enter the store is welcome!
What a tremendous concept…I only wish it was available here in Alberta