This post brought to you by Psoriasin . The content and opinions expressed below are that of FYIbyTina.
Men & Women Stylish Fashion Tips to Cover Psoriasis
Psoriasis occurs when skin cells multiply too fast and accumulate on the skin surface, causing redness, itching, and flaking on affected skin areas. The affected areas are called psoriasis plaques. It is non-contagious, afflicts about 2% of the population, and currently there is no cure. My husband suffers from psoriasis and I can only empathize with how much the itching, flaking and redness must bother him. There have been occasions when he is not wanting to go out to social events because of the visible redness.
A Few Fashion Tips
Tips for Men
- Avoid dark colors to not show flakes.
- Wear long pants and suits in the winter.
- Wear loose fitting clothes
- Choose natural, breathable fabrics.
- Wear a second layer under your clothes so harsh fabric don’t irritate your skin.
Tips for Women
- Cover your feet but, show off your toes wearing Peep-toe shoes.
- Wear knee-high boots.
- Wear sequins. Flakes will slide off sequins so you don’t need to worry about flaking.
- Wear shrugs with strappy sundresses or maxi dresses.
- Wear large accessories to distract people’s eyes. Chunky rings and jewelry.
- During Winter months wear flashy scarves.
- Don’t wear black because it shows flakes
- Also, no tights. Psoriasis plaques can shed even through opaque tights.
Share Your Fashion Tips
Leave a comment sharing a fashion tip you have to help cover Psoriasis. By leaving a comment you will be entered into a contest in which 1 lucky reader will win a Psoriasin® care package.
Over the Counter Help
Many people who suffer with Psoriasis use prescription medicine to control symptoms, but there are economical, convenient, non-prescription medications for psoriasis symptoms as well. Psoriasin is a non-prescription medicine available at virtually every leading pharmacy in America. Usually in the First Aid section near the anti-itch treatments. Like with everything in your medicine cabinet, please make sure to read and follow all label instructions before using.
Coupons are available at
Psoriasin® is a 3 item line of topical psoriasis treatments that diminish the itching, flaking and redness of psoriasis.
Psoriasin® is the #1 non-prescription psoriasis symptom treatment in the United States. Each of the three different formulas all contain the active ingredient coal tar. All provide multi-symptom relief of the itching, flaking, and redness of psoriasis.
Psoriasin® Gel– a quick drying gel that absorbs quickly, and won’t rub off.
Psoriasin® Ointment– A deep moisturizing ointment that helps keep skin supple, flexible and feeling more comfortable.
Psoriasin® Advanced Treatment Cream with Vitamin D and Oatmeal– A non-greasy, luxuriously rich cream. Vitamin D and Oatmeal are two ingredients that are familiar to psoriasis sufferers.
Giveaway Time
Leave a comment sharing a fashion tip you have to help cover Psoriasis. By leaving a comment you will be entered into a contest in which 1 lucky reader will win a Psoriasin® care package. Must be 18 years of age to enter. Giveaway Ends May 12, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be notified via email.

My problem area is behind the neck and I love to wear a ponytail unfortunately so I would give the tip to wear a high collar or collar up and hair down, to cover that area.
Maxi skirts can be fun.
My brother always wears long sleeved cotton shirts to cover the worst of his psoriasis on his arms.
I wear shrugs and longer sleeves.
I have psoriasis on my lower scalp and love to use trendy scarves to help hide it! 🙂
I always wear a long sleeve shirt
Light, long sleeve peasant shirts come in handy for the summer.
Try to air out your skin as much as possbible
I don’t have Psoriasis. I feel for all the people here that do. Hope you all can find some comfort.
My best tip is to not wear black or dark colored clothing because it shows flakes more.
I have been introduced to tattoo jewelry.thanks for sharing.
Wear lighter colors!
I have psoriasis in my hairline and on my forehead. If I had it on my arms, I would wear long sleeves to cover it up.
Wear loose fitting clothes as to not aggrevate the condition and let skin breathe better.
oatmeal baths
I would wear long sleeves.
Concealer, concealer and more concealer! Turtle necks can help too.
My psoriasis is on my cheast and easily covered up with a pretty scarf.
Long sleeves help and so does an accent piece that highlights a different area of your body.
I wear long sleeves shirts even in summer.
Wear a shrug to help cover affected areas.
My daughter’s problem area is her arms. She always wears top with long sleves or a sweater.
Maxi dresses are my fave!
I would cover it with long sleeves.
My daughter gets crafty with buying very thin or see-thru long sleeve shirts and wears a tank top underneath in the warmer months.
Conceealer and peasant skirts on the summer.
The best advice I can give is to not be too self-conscious about it! Most people know what psoriasis is & realize it’s not contagious. If you feel like wearing something that leaves your psoriasis exposed, WEAR IT!
I have a family friend, who’s daughter has MS, who suffers from SEVERE psoriasis! In the worst moments, she is wrapped – almost from head to toe – in itchy, white (or bloody) patches. I feel for her so much!!!
I’ll wear a sweater.
I have it the worst on my elbow. I don’t wear short sleeves putside my home. I also have it on my hands, so I make sure not to wear rings, or get manis which would draw attention to them.
I like a light cotton long sleeved top to cover up without being too hot!
2 of my grandkids have Psoriasis. They are siblings & are embarrassed of it. They have cream for it, and they were told to wear loose clothing – keep their skin dry. They wear long sleeved clothing and long legged pants when they have a break-out. But I have to say, their break-outs aren’t as many as they used to be.
One thing you can do is wear long sleeved shirts to help cover the problem areas.
Long skirts and long sleeves.
Usually wear long sleeved shirts.
I still wear cute summer dresses, just with a shrug.
Wear loose fitting, long maxi skirts.
I wear lots of sleevelets that my daughter made for me. And I also accompany my outfit with a fashion statement piece to draw people eyes away
I wear long-sleeved shirts and my tip is to watch what colors you wear so the flakes don’t show as much.
Any skin condition is uncomfortable. Finding physical relief is important.
I don’t have psoriasis, but I do have eczema on my hands. Using Eucerin lotion helps me a lot.
Wearing light colors to take the attention off flakes. But when at home uncovering some because sunlight helps my daughter’s psoriasis.
My brother just wears long sleeves year-round. It’s not really that cool actually.
A big trend right now is sheer cardis! These are perfect for the summer, because you can still cover up and stay cool!
loose clothing.
Long Sleeves are a must to cover this up.
Loose fitting long sleeved shirts cover it up well without rubbing against the skin.
Will give this to my mom to help her condition
long skirts and flowing skirts!
I like the mesh type sleeves that cover up but aren’t hot.
My son would wear long sleeves
wear loose light clothing , long skirts and maxi dresses
My fashion tip is that I always wear a long sleeve shirt.
I wear a lot of ethnic clothing to cover my psoriasis as they are usually made of pure cotton and very loose fitting. They look amazing and are very comfortable to wear however bad the psoriasis is at any time or how the weather is
Wear lighter colors, not dark.
I love jeans, wear them everyday
Don’t forget to wear gloves in the winter as well! Especially if you actually have psoriasis on your hands. The cold air will make it 100x worse.