Kick-Start a Healthy, Active, & Beautiful Lifestyle
I know it is not January yet, that is when you might really be interested in reading this article. However, you could kick-start a healthy, active, and beautiful lifestyle now! I know in January, everyone is going to want to get healthy but, why wait?? “Getting healthy” does not always mean hitting the gym twice a day and restricting your calorie intake down to, “OMG I’m starving at the end of the day!”
Since my husband’s diagnoses of prostate cancer, our definition of healthy has changed quite a bit! We have found the best natural approaches to healthy aging encompass a diet that incorporates organic foods with low processed foods. We do not think so much about the calorie intake but, more so the quality of the foods we are putting into our bodies. This means finding the right combination of low sugar foods, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables, with dietary supplements that provide adequate amounts of nutrients.
Does this mean I won’t eat any sugars or processed foods? No! I will enjoy a brownie or cheesecake every once in a while. Those are my weaknesses. For our family meals, I try to plan them out each week and shop in stores where I know I can find organic foods. Does this mean I don’t work out? No! Actually, my girlfriends and I have recently started working out every morning. I don’t push myself to the point I can’t walk the next morning. We just want to make exercise a healthy habit. I have found healthy habits really work best in making a real change in your lifestyle.
This is why I want to introduce you to Douglas Laboratories. Like me, they believe healthy aging is much more than living a long life. It’s about assessing your individual beauty from the inside out and unlocking the potential of living healthier longer. What’s going on inside your body is what counts the most! Traditionally, people have looked for sporadic, short-term solutions, like expensive skin care products or chemical treatments, focused on covering up or attempting to reverse the signs and effects of aging. Now people are realizing those short term cover ups are not working long term. You need to start making long-term lifestyle changes from the inside out to maintain a healthy body.
My suggestion to all of you who want to kick-start a healthy, active and beautiful lifestyle – Start by taking a few supplements. See how they make you feel and look better! Check out these supplements that can help you from the inside-out.
QÜELL Fish Oil ® – EPA/DHA Plus D — This is a nutritional supplement that supports cardiovascular health, neurological health, vision health, and joint health.* Health organizations around the world recommend adequate daily intake of EPA and DHA, given omega-3 fatty acids’ support of cardiovascular health, neurological health, vision health, and joint health.* Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that plays an important role in proper body function, including support for cardiovascular health.*
Ultra HNS (Hair, Nails, Skin) — A nutritional supplement that supplies high dose biotin, methylfolate, vitamin C, zinc, and Cynatine® HNS for healthy hair, nails and skin.* Cynatine® HNS, a patented, solubilized keratin for the health of hair, nails, and skin, has demonstrated that it can improve the strength, brightness and appearance of hair, nails and skin, as well as reduce hair loss associated with washing. Cynatine HNS has also been shown to be capable of supporting healthy skin aging and improving the strength and luster of nails. Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen. Zinc is important for growth, immune system function, protein synthesis, antioxidant mechanisms and wound healing. Biotin (a B vitamin) supplementation after six months has been shown to support nail firmness and thickness, and to reduce splitting.*
Biotin 8 mg — A nutritional supplement that supports a healthy glucose metabolism, nerve function and nail strength.* Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is a critical water-soluble vitamin that is an essential co-factor for a number of metabolic carboxylation reactions, including carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.*
Hyaluronic Acid® — A nutritional supplement that supplies low molecular weight hyaluronic acid for joint and skin health.* Synovial fluid of the joints provides shock absorption and lubrication for movement; as we age, this fluid decreases. Supplementation with oral hyaluronic acid has been shown to help retain more synovial fluid and protect the joints. It has also been shown to protect the skin by promoting healthy turnover and renewal of keratinocytes, moderating the appearance of fine lines and age spots.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Please consult your healthcare practitioner before introducing any new nutritional supplements into your daily routine, especially if you are pregnant or have a pre-existing medical condition.
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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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